Victoria wizell hypnotic o
Victoria wizell hypnotic o

victoria wizell hypnotic o

There was little training available in those days and I am self-taught in practice, though I am good at getting information from the written word.

victoria wizell hypnotic o

I got my first taste of helping people with the Samaritans in Dundee Then, in 1983, following in my father-in-law's footsteps, I thought I would give hypnotherapy a go as a means of helping people full-time, a plan that also fitted in with my domestic situation at the time. For period in between I was a Senior Scientific Officer at the Royal Aircraft Establishment. My first project was on the noise generated by hight speed jet engines, and the next was on the noise generated by high speed helicopter rotors.

victoria wizell hypnotic o

From 1970 I was doing research in the Mathematics Department of Dundee University. After getting a first class honours degree I went on to do a doctorate in Elementary Particle Theory in the Oxford University Mathematics Department. Went to Jesus College Oxford on a scholarship to read Mathematics. Educated at a Welsh-speaking primary school in Cwmdare, and Aberdare Boys Grammar school, in South Wales. The prosaic account of my life is: I am 52 in 1998 with wife Trudi and daughter Evanell. Site ethics Links to other related sites.ĭylan Morgan. Some leading names in hypnotherapy - Bernheim, Braid, Casson, Erickson, Liebeault and Mesmer - have biographies A good starting point for students. In addition there are a large number of articles on related subjects. A Beginners Guide to Psychotherapy, Dylan Morgan, 1999. Your Path in Life, Dylan Morgan, Eildon Press, 1990. Neurypnology or the Rationale of Nervous Sleep, James Braid, John Churchill, London, 1843. The Principles of Hypnotherapy, Dylan Morgan, Eildon Press, 1996. The following on-line books can be freely downloaded (More details on library page.) Hypnosis for Beginners, Dylan Morgan, 1998. If you want to see me personally: my details. If you want to know about hypnotherapy in general: hypnotherapy details. MORGANIC THERAPY A site mainly devoted to over half a million words of EDUCATION and INFORMATION in the field of HYPNOTHERAPY and related therapies.o)O(o. Links to Internet sites on Clinical Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Victoria wizell hypnotic o